Friday, September 5, 2008

my final outcome

photopshop tools i have chosen step-5

this step is last final. this step i used setting adjustment make the picture to be strict

photopshop tools i have chosen step-5

this step the object i combined with stone picture ( other picture) then i used mask for the combine just object area.

photopshop tools i have chosen step-4

i added my lyric song and the title song in his hand.

photopshop tools i have chosen step-3

i added object. the object is like want do suicide and i added shadow by blending option.

Photopshop tools i have chosen step-2

i edited my background to be like scare. i changed my background with tools photoshop. the tools are Desaturate, Adjustment and i add other picture. the other picture i combined to my background and i changed to be multiply and the opacity is 57%.

Photopshop tools i have chosen step-1

this my first background before i edited. just a room which only a cat in there. i used this background because i want make my project has silent background.